United Church Funds Fact Sheets and Other Resources Available

The Rev. Charles Buck, president and CEO of United Church Funds, has released this information for partners ministries:

UCF Fund Fact Sheets for the fourth quarter of 2019 are now available. The sheets provide essential information about each fund’s investment strategy, annualized performance, asset allocation and fund characteristics. Click here to preview and download. The quarterly performance webinar with UCF staff will be available on the UCF website at the end of this month.

Additionally, David Klassen, Chief Investment Strategist, provides monthly market and performance commentaries. Click here to read his latest article for January 2020.

Bucks notes that United Church Funds will be at the New Hampshire Conference’s leadership event Feb. 22 and at CHHSM’s Annual Gathering in Memphis, March 3-5.

Finally, Buck has announced that UCF staffers Katie McCloskey, director of social responsibility, and Lisa Hinds, board vice-chair and investment committee chair joined with others from various denominations to write Faithful Investing: The Power of Decisive Action and Incremental Change. This new book helps people of faith learn how to address social justice and climate change issues through their investments. Click here to order a copy.

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