United Church Funds Offers Online Town Hall Gathering, Other Resources

The following information is from Charles Buck, president and CEO of United Church Funds:
Greetings from your partners in stewardship at United Church Funds!
With the third quarter of 2020 behind us, we invite you to join us at our next Town Hall virtual meeting. You can find more information and the registration link below, along with other updates we want to highlight.
We invite you to join the next Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, October 27, at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. At this meeting, the UCF team will share a recap of the third quarter of 2020 as well as our responsible investing efforts and progress. We encourage you and others in your church or organization to join us. Register for the Town Hall.
Learn what responsible investors are talking about from Matthew Illian’s highlights of the recent fall conference of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR). As a founding member of ICCR, UCF has long participated with other responsible investors in ICCR meetings and corporate engagements. Read the article.
Responsible investing is central to our mission of helping our clients uphold the United Church of Christ’s values in making their investment decisions. We utilize five responsible investing tools to manage and grow our clients’ endowments and ensure that their portfolios reflect their missions. Here are five tools in the responsible investor toolbox.
Account statements as of September 30, 2020, are available via the Client Access link at the top of UCF’s website. Please have your username and password ready to access the portal. If you do not have a login and password, please call us at 1-877-806-4989, or email info@ucfunds.org. Read the Q3 investor letter, which includes a market summary from David Klassen, chief investment strategist..
Thank you for the opportunity to serve your organization. If you have questions or needs, please do not hesitate to contact us at 1-877-806-4989 or info@ucfunds.org.
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