Urge Lawmakers to Provide Crucial Additional Nonprofit Relief Before Adjourning
With provisions from the CARES Act expiring at the end of the month, along with an expected surge in Coronavirus cases, resources will be stretched just when our communities need us most.
CHHSM and Lutheran Services in America are joining with countless other health and human service ministries in asking everyone to help make an urgent final push to lawmakers. Sen the message: don’t adjourn without passing legislation that includes significant, urgently needed financial relief for nonprofits.
Click here to send a message to your lawmakers using Lutheran Services’ advocacy tool. Lutheran Services of America is providing suggested language to which you can also add a personal note.
The Background
Congressional leaders are currently negotiating a year-end package to fund the government for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2021. While efforts are underway to include some COVID-19 relief priorities, including additional funding for the Paycheck Protection Program and the Provider Relief Fund, it’s imperative that we ensure that ALL our crucial priorities are included in this likely last legislative package for the year.
Now is the time to urge Congress to address the following remaining needs of nonprofit health and human services providers immediately:
- Access to forgivable loans for nonprofits of all sizes, including those with 500+ employees
- An increase in the federal unemployment insurance reimbursement for self-funded nonprofits to 100 percent of costs
- Additional targeted financial resources for nonprofit front line health and human services providers
- Increased funding of $2 billion for vulnerable children and youth
- A strong infusion of additional fiscal relief for state and local governments
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