Val-You Proposition

Michael J. Readinger

Michael J. Readinger

In previous columns, I talked about the importance of belonging and the language we use to communicate. Now I ask you to reflect on why you choose to belong to CHHSM. What are the compelling reasons to be a member of this community of practice? Your reasons form the basis of a value proposition for CHHSM.

What exactly is a value proposition? In essence, a value proposition is a member’s statement of longing, of belonging. It is your chance to tell the CHHSM board and staff, each other, and the world why you are part of this passion-driven movement. A value proposition is not created by the board or staff because it is not up to us to tell you why you are members. Only you can do that! Besides, we have mission and vision statements and our philosophy as guiding principles. The value proposition is the language you use to talk about CHHSM and how you connect to the association and other members.

Why does the value proposition matter? It matters because the CHHSM board and staff rely on your perspective to ensure that the mission, vision and philosophy align with your needs. It matters because your take on CHHSM is essential to the creation of a staffing model, business model, governance structure and communication plan that are relevant, impactful and sustainable. It matters because when you speak the language fluently, your engagement with each other is stronger, deeper and longer. It matters because your estimation of the value of CHHSM encourages the participation of others.

So, where do we start? CHHSM board and staff will collaborate with membership to create this value proposition through conversations, many of which have already taken place at affinity group gatherings and the annual meeting.

Once the value proposition is complete, we will go out like the apostles who received and evangelized the message of Jesus’ healing ministry. We who are called will tell the world what we witness, what belonging to this movement means to us, and what it might mean to others. We will challenge leaders to walk the walk and talk the talk alongside us as we preach this value proposition. We will share the stories of our good work, which demonstrates how the value proposition relates to our belonging in CHHSM, our local congregations and the wider church.

We, the collective assembly of servant leaders who care for those on the margins, are invited to name our aspirations for this movement. That’s why I propose we call this the CHHSM Val-You Proposition, because it is about you!

So, will you help craft the Val-You Proposition? Will you participate in the communication process to share the good news of what defines us? Will you tell your co-workers, volunteers, clients, and the church? These activities will be intentional, insightful, thought-provoking, exciting and compelling. Will you join us on this journey?

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Health and Human Service Sunday in the UCC is January 26. CHHSM's Elyse Berry has created resources for congregations and CHHSM member chaplains to use. ... See MoreSee Less
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