Wittenberg, Germany, Provides Meaningful Context During Protestant Reformation Anniversary

Wittenberg city street. Castle Church is at the end of the street.
Oct. 31, 2017 marks a special date in church history: the 500th anniversary of Catholic monk Martin Luther nailing his 95 theses on the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. The act sparked the Protestant Reformation.
CHHSM Associate for Leadership and Advocacy the Rev. Danielle Bartz, recently returned from Wittenberg, where she represented the United Church of Christ in a meeting with the UCC’s denominational partner, the United Evangelical Churches in Germany. While at the meeting, she was able to take a brief time to visit the city’s famous sites. Her tour included Castle Church and the grave of Martin Luther.
“I only had about an hour to see the sites, but I was given a personal tour by a German pastor who was attending the same meeting I was,” says Bartz. “It was truly a privilege to see these sites, especially during this 500th anniversary.”

Grave site of Martin Luther
The Protestant Reformation shaped and influenced society, and still is present in today’s world. In honor of the 500th anniversary, celebrations will take place globally. Additionally, according to the Luther 2017 Reformation Anniversary website, such international projects as traveling exhibitions and choirs will mark the impact of the Protestant Reformation.
The United Church of Christ has a reader-friendly study resource on the anniversary. A 5-pack is $15, or individual copies are $5 each.
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